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  • Netflix Plans Price Increase

Netflix Plans Price Increase

Plus: New York Sues Crypto Firms

In Today’s Edition

  • How to build a startup program

  • Eight tips for scaling a product team without sacrificing quality

  • New York Sues Crypto Firms for Losing Over $1 Billion

  • FCC moves ahead with Title II net neutrality rules in 3-2 party-line vote

  • ‘Incredible’ iOS 17.1 Update Has Fixed New iPhone 15 Screen Problem

  • 10-second voice test shown to detect type 2 diabetes

🚀Startups Nuts

Startups often sell to other startups. Building a program can act as a scaled on-ramp and acquisition strategy. There’s a lot to balance here, from setting up your website and application forms to building partnerships with accelerators and incubators. This guide breaks it down step-by-step.

As your product team grows, the range of opinions increases and culture changes. Your ability to refactor and align these differences will be the difference between success and failure. Defining swimlanes and having a culture of clear and open communication are table stakes.

🏭Business Nuts

Netflix's efforts to limit password sharing delivered stronger customer growth than expected. It added 8.8 million subscribers in the third quarter. The company plans to immediately increase some prices in the US, UK, and France. It will lower content spending this year to about $13 billion, down from the $17 billion it expected to spend earlier this year.

New York Attorney General Letitia James is suing crypto firms Gemini, Genesis, and DCG for allegedly misleading investors, causing over $1 billion in losses. The lawsuit claims fraudulent schemes affected over 230,000 investors, particularly targeting Gemini's high-yield Earn program and its association with Genesis. James seeks to ban these firms from New York's investment industry and demands compensation for the alleged deceit.

📱Tech Nuts

The FCC has voted to move ahead with a plan to restore net neutrality rules and common-carrier regulation of Internet service providers. Broadband will be reclassified as a telecommunications service, allowing the FCC to regulate ISPs. The reclassification will give the FCC more authority to protect national security on broadband networks. The broadband industry will likely sue the FCC in an attempt to nullify the rulemaking.

Apple's iOS 17.1 update may have fixed a screen burn issue with the iPhone 15. Some iPhone 15 Pro Max owners recently complained about an issue where a shadow of an image was permanently etched into the display. The update is still in beta and will roll out to the public next week. The fix suggests that the issue is a software bug rather than a more expensive hardware problem.

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A recent study suggests that a 10-second smartphone voice recording may be able to deliver an on-the-spot diagnosis for type 2 diabetes. The pitch and intensity of the recordings differ in a consistent manner between diabetic and non-diabetic people. The scientists in the study created an AI-based program to analyze voice recordings. The system was 89% accurate at identifying type 2 diabetic women and 86% accurate at spotting diabetic men.

💡What else are we reading and seeing?

😎Fun Fact

In 2008, Iceland's entire stock market was briefly worth less than a single McDonald's franchise

🔥 Hot Book of the Day

Fatal conveniences are the toxic products we routinely use and the unhealthy things we do that our culture and corporations have made us believe are safe and necessary for living well and efficiently.

These things—from deodorant, cosmetics, dental floss, and sunscreen to laundry detergent, air fresheners, carpets, and crayons to candles, tea bags, cell phones, and chewing gum—are ubiquitous in daily life . . . and they are wreaking havoc on our health and our planet.

The environmental toxins found in these products create a cascade of problems, including chemical sensitivities, auto-immune issues, obesity, chronic health diseases, and more.

Darin Olien has spent most of his adult life obsessively researching these “conveniences” and in this book, he raises our awareness of their dangers, demolishes the myth that “if it’s easy, it must also be good,” and gives us alternative choices to take control of our lives and our health.

Fatal Conveniences offers a fresh perspective and achievable, small tweaks that will lead to big, life-enhancing changes.

“Understand the invisible challenges of how our health is being harmed by modern toxic exposures.”

🐦Joke of the Day

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