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  • Tesla unveils its latest humanoid robot

Tesla unveils its latest humanoid robot

Plus: Netflix finally reveals viewing data across its entire catalog 

In Today’s Edition 

  • Bezos’ Blue Origin aiming to make long-awaited return to launch next week 

  • Balancing Growth and Sustainability - Avalonia's Financial Evolution

  • Netflix finally reveals viewing data across its entire catalog 

  • As ChatGPT gets “lazy,” people test “winter break hypothesis” as the cause 

  • Google working on ‘Pixie’ AI assistant for Pixel 9, discussed glasses with object recognition

  • Human brain-like supercomputer with 228 trillion links coming in 2024 

🚀Startups Nuts

Blue Origin has announced that it will fly an uncrewed mission as early as December 18. The mission will carry 33 science and research payloads, as well as other cargo. New Shepard has been grounded since September 2022 as it has been implementing changes recommended by the FAA. Blue Origin's license will expire in August 2025 and is limited to launches from Blue Origin's West Texas facilities only.

Monetizing open source software is notoriously difficult. This post describes Avalonia's approach to creating a sustainable business around a popular open source project. Avalonia's 30% month-over-month growth during 2023 came with many challenges, which meant that its team needed to expand to handle its community's growing needs. The project gains income through development services, support agreements, in-person training, donations, and by making a paid product.

🏭Business Nuts 

Tesla has released a demo video showing the latest version of its Optimus Gen 2 humanoid robot. The video, available in the article, shows a vastly improved robot moving in real time without any CGI performing various tasks like walking, crouching, manipulating eggs without breaking them, and waving its arms. Tesla aims to eventually develop a robot to replace human labor in a seamless way.

Netflix will start publishing comprehensive deep dives into what its subscribers are watching twice a year. Its first report provides viewer data on more than 18,000 titles representing a total of nearly 100 billion hours viewed. Netflix's lack of transparency created an environment of mistrust in the industry. The company says that the data released is the same data that it uses to run its business.

📱Tech Nuts

Some ChatGPT users started to notice that the AI was becoming more lazy in late November. The chatbot was reportedly refusing to do some tasks or returning simplified results. OpenAI has admitted that it's an issue, but it hasn't identified why. People usually slow down in December and put bigger projects off until the new year - the 'winter break hypothesis' says that ChatGPT has learned this and may be getting lazier because of it. The theory has yet to be proven. OpenAI is working on a potential fix.

Pixie is an AI assistant from Google that could launch with the Pixel 9. Powered by Gemini, it will use data from Google products on devices to perform complex and multimodal tasks. Google has discussed creating glasses with the ability to recognize objects and advise wearers on how to use tools. The last bit of news on Google AR was how the hardware offer effort was being sidelined for a Samsung partnership.


DeepSouth is a supercomputer designed to operate in a manner similar to a network of neurons. It uses interconnected artificial neurons and synapses to emulate the brain's ability to learn, adapt, and process information in a highly parallel and distributed manner. The neuromorphic supercomputer will be capable of 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, on par with the estimated number of operations in the human brain, when it becomes operational in April 2024.

💡What else are we reading and seeing?

😎Fun Fact

The world's first known coins were made in Lydia

🔥 Hot Book of the Day

When a veteran Washington journalist moved to Kansas, he met a new neighbor who was more than a century old. Little did he know that he was beginning a long friendship—and a profound lesson in the meaning of life. Charlie White was no ordinary neighbor. Born before radio, Charlie lived long enough to use a smartphone.

When a shocking tragedy interrupted his idyllic boyhood, Charlie mastered survival strategies that reflect thousands of years of human wisdom. Thus armored, Charlie’s sense of adventure carried him on an epic journey of the Jazz Age, racing aboard ambulances through Depression-era gangster wars, improvising techniques for early open-heart surgery, and cruising the Amazon as a guest of Peru’s president.

David Von Drehle came to understand that Charlie’s resilience and willingness to grow made this remarkable neighbor a master in the art of thriving through times of dramatic change. As a gift to his children, he set out to tell Charlie’s secrets. 

The Book of Charlie is a “genuinely original, formula-shattering” (Bob Woodward) gospel of grit—the inspiring story of one man’s journey through a century of upheaval. The history that unfolds through Charlie’s story reminds you that the United States has always been a divided nation, a questing nation—a nation of Charlies in the rollercoaster pursuit of a good and meaningful life.

“Original and highly readable account of a splendid American life.”

🐦Joke of the Day

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